Sunday, October 1, 2006

Neal (Freedom Fighter) Johnston's Letter to the Daily News

News Desk

Daily News

Re: Stephanie Adams

Dear I Should Probably Look it Up:

This weekend you ran a story emerging from a news conference held last Friday where Stephanie Adams, former Playmate turned out Lesbian, announced the filing of her $5,000,000 law suit against the City and others.

You missed the good part.

Last June, Ms. Adams held a news conference announcing her intention to serve such a suit. You picked up that story too, as did the Post. So did a blogger named James Poling. His coverage was less than really respectful and Ms. Adams didn't like it a bit. She got an attorney at a sizeable enough mid-level national law firm to write to Poling threatening to sue him if he didn't take down the blog.

When Poling held on to principle, Ms. Adams kept to her word and started a $100,000 suit against him. At the request of my first-amendment-y son, I took on the case pro bono.

Ms. Adams has refused to answer any of my interrogatories there unless I agree that everything she might say in her law suit will be held in the strictest confidence. She is, she argues, a private, not a public, person.

You can get a much richer sense of Ms. Adams by checking out her web page at either or at her commercial link,

You could read about her extraordinary encounters with a West Coast blogger who had the temerity to criticize her remarkable web page at (Search for Stephanie Adams.)

You could see what some of the other bloggers have printed about this weird matter by checking out or

Or better still, you could take a look at the Poling blog which started this round of not quite free-wheeling litigation:

If I can be of any assistance, please call.

Sincerely yours,

Neal Johnston


cc. James Poling

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