Stephanie Adams is the guest speaker at a Learning Annex course called "How to Marry Rich: The Rich Are Going to Marry... Why Not to You?"
To be shortly followed up with wildy successful "Sue Your Way to Wealth 101".
The only problem is A. J. Daulerio, a reporter who sat in on the course says that Adams sucked so bad that he had to demand his money back from the Learning Annex.
As stunning as Adams may be to look at, it was apparent that her public-speaking skills were gleaned from middle school. She spoke softly and read from a script that was surely in outline form, most likely with big Roman numerals and possibly written in crayon. She made minimal eye contact and had all the charm and charisma of an extremely attractive woman with absolutely nothing to say. Although she was a former pinup model, she had the sex appeal of a colostomy bag.Adams then suggested stores for classy yet inexpensive clothing (consignment shops) and offered ideas for tracking down the rich men (charity events and art galleries). Nightclubs, she opined, were not the places to go a'hunting. Most people at clubs are looking for one-night stands, not long-term, wallet-padding relationships from which one can eventually drain their bank accounts.
Daulerio says, "A few days after the seminar, the Learning Annex basically admitted the class sucked and credited me $25."
Gold-Digging 101 [NY Press]
How to Marry Rich: The Rich Are Going to Marry... Why Not to You? with Stephanie Adams [Learning Annex]
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