Thursday, June 22, 2006

Stephanie Adams Sues BlogNYC, It's Official


Just got this via e-mail (note it was sent to You can click here to see the backstory and why this Playmate who's already suing the NYPD is now suing us Also, a note that Dave pointed out in the comments, her lawyer is Martin Siegel the guy who represented Ken Lay in the Enron bankruptcy:

Dear Mr. Poling: Please be advised that, on June 20, 2006, Ms. Stephanie Adams started a law suit against you by the filing of a Summons with Notice in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Under the Court's procedure and statute, we are required to serve that summons upon you. Your last e-mail requested that we communicate with you at this e-mail address. However, I can only serve you with the summons by e-mail, as requested by you, instead of personal service, if you acknowledge in writing that "I acknowledge that, on June 22, 2006, I personally received the Summons with Notice, dated June 19,2006, in the case of Stephanie Adams v. James Poling, Index No. 108616/06, signed James Poling (manual signature required). In order to acknowledge service, you must return the signed acknowledgement to me by U. S. Mail, with your actual manual signature. An electronic signature is not sufficient under the rules- it must be a handwritten manual signature. If I do not receive an e-mail from you by 9:00 a.m., Friday, June 23, 2006, stating that you received the Summons and that you have sent a manually signed acknowledgement back to me by U. S. mail, I will have no choice but to ask our process server to serve you personally. Martin S. Siegel.

So yeah, anyone know any good free speech lawyers? Also, if you'd like to kick in a few bucks to our legal defense fund feel free, we can use all the help we can get.

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